My Story

My Name is Abraham Tarpeh, I am the founder Grace Generation Foundation

My Father Harris Tarpeh was killed in the 1990 war in Liberia West Africa he was Beheaded in front of Abraham Tarpeh

Life was very hard for me, no food no family number to help his mother, until GOD makes away to come to America, Abraham Tarpeh makes a promise to GOD that he will be a blessing to the fatherless and motherless children who are on the street and the homeless. Our vision is to give good drinking water and build a school children center and a hospital for our children. we pray as your lead, please join this vision to save a life and give good drinking water and a sleeping place for our kids on the street ...

Our mission

To show forth his praise to all nations through his finished work. His WORK in faith, we do it in love, evangelizing to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. GRACE GENERATION FOUNDATION: we are a chosen generation, we are the royal priesthood Grace Generation FOUNDATION, we are Holy NationGrace Generation Foundation: we are peculiar people.ts.

Our vision

1 Peter 29) Leading souls to Christ Jesus. the unsaved and saved. Restore the Last. MissionWorld Wide. It's a privilege between. the GRACE Generation Foundation and the Lord Jesus Christ. To proclaim the praise of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light...

Our team